As part of the “Heritage” and the valorization of museums and collections open to the public and dedicated to works of high craftsmanship 2024, D’Uva is pleased to announce that it was awarded to our CEO, < strong>Ilaria D’Uva, the special recognition MAM-Master of Art and Craft.
The MAM-Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere project of the Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte Foundation, in collaboration with ALMA, the International School of Italian Cuisine, has created and promotes this special biennial recognition, an unprecedented tribute dedicated to the Italian Masters of Art, active in the 23 different categories of artistic craftsmanship (40 new Masters): from ceramics to jewelery to wood and furniture, from leather goods to art printing to restoration, from theater to textiles…
The MAM, which has happily reached its fifth edition this year, also awards ten special awards to institutions and/or people who have distinguished themselves for the promotion, protection and diffusion of professions of artat different levels: from talent for public and private schools, to businesses, to communication, to institutions and to heritage intended as recognition for museums or collections open to the public and dedicated in whole or in part to works of high craftsmanship.
In this context, the special MAM-Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere recognition was awarded to Ilaria D’Uva; the ceremony took place at the Squero of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, at the end of the event Homo Faber 2024, The Journey of Life, to which D’Uva and the San Giorgio Café have contributed to hospitality related to catering.
The biography and all the information about the award are online at